Category Archives: Workout

I Can Do Hard Things.

The thing I love about the workouts I do is that there is always a skill to improve or a faster time and heavier weight to achieve. It feels more like a sport than working out. Double unders is a skill that took me a LONG time to get down, and I’ve finally gotten to the point where I feel pretty comfortable with them. And then you have a day like today, where you can barely string 5 together. The thing about double unders is they are incredibly mental, much like the rest of the movements. So, the fact that I was talking to myself negatively throughout the entire workout (“WHY do I suck so bad?” and “I HATE this workout.“) probably didn’t help.
IMG_0937It got me thinking about how much positive self-talk really does effect performance. In the workouts I do, a clock counts down from 10 before you begin. To me, it used to feel like it was counting down to Doomsday. I would use those 10 seconds to freak out, doubt myself and get really nervous. My thought process went something like this:

I really hope I can do all the reps with this weight…I’m not sure if I can.
Should I drop the weight really quick? Oh great, I don’t have time…
Ok I’m keeping this weight on, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to finish in the time cap.

Not the best way to go into a workout. Last month, I decided to use those 10 seconds to build myself up rather than freak out. Now my thoughts are more along the lines of: “I’m going to crush this workout.” and “I can do hard things.” and “Time to give it everything you’ve got.” Every time the workout would get really hard, and my brain would start playing its doubting mind game, I would repeat those mantras. I was surprised by how these little words drastically changed my performance and, of course, my attitude.

In a world where women are constantly apologizing for everything and downplaying our accomplishments, it feels strange to tell yourself “I’m freaking awesome.” But those 10 seconds are often the most empowering moments of my day. Of course, there are still days like today, where my mind won and got the the best of me, but I’ll be back on the empowerment train tomorrow.

Does anyone else do this in workouts or life in general? What mantras do you use?

Disconnecting + Weekly Workouts

We are in the final countdown!!! On Wednesday, we are leaving for Orlando and I am anxiously counting down the days! My to-do list is a mile long so you may not hear much from me.

We leave for our honeymoon in Antigua the day after our wedding, so we spent some time at Barnes & Noble Saturday night to pick up books to read on the beach. I picked up Wild by Cheryl Strayed and also bought Amy Poehler’s Yes Please on Audible. I’m a big fan of listening to comedian’s books on Audible rather than reading them because they tend to be even funnier when said in the voice of the comedian. I’ve recently listened to Tina Fey’s Bossypants and Mindy Kaling’s Is Everyone Hanging out Without Me on Audible and both were incredible. Any other book suggestions??

I am so excited to completely disconnect ALL week long on our honeymoon. I plan on turning my phone on airplane mode the entire week and being free from email, social media, etc. and just truly relaxing and soaking it all up. I can’t remember the last time I went more than an hour without my phone by my side so this will be a good reset. We’ve made plans for a few excursions as well, so it will be a good mix of adventure and relaxation. I cannot wait to plant myself on this island all week 🙂

Let’s talk workouts. This week was heavy on the Iron Tribe. I usually try to stay away from doing Iron Tribe more than 3 days in a row, because my body is typically so sore by then it needs a break. This week, though, my body felt good and the workouts didn’t feel extremely difficult, so I did more in a row than usual. Plus, I just don’t have the mental capacity to create a workout on my own right now!

Monday – Iron Tribe
100 Double Unders
20 Thrusters (65#)
20 Burpees
-Rest 1 min-
75 Double Unders
15 Thrusters
15 Burpees
-Rest 1 min-
50 Double Unders
10 Thrusters
10 Burpees
-Rest 1 min-
25 Double Unders
5 Thrusters
5 Burpees

I went into this thinking it would totally suck because thrusters and burpees are essentially the worst, but surprisingly it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I’m starting to like thrusters more and more…ok, like is a strong word. I’m starting to *tolerate* thrusters more and more.

Tuesday, Iron Tribe
A. Every 90 seconds for 8 sets (12 min total):
6 Front Rack Lunges (3 each leg) + 6 Bent Over Rows (I did 85#)
B. 9 min AMRAP of:
12 Russian kettlebell swings (35#)
6 Pull-ups

Wednesday: Iron Tribe
Partner Workout!
20 min AMRAP of:
20 Medball passing situps
20 Box jumps
200m run with medball overhead

We got about 4 rounds. Those medball overheard runs were HARD.

Thursday: Iron Tribe
5 Rounds of the following:
30 sec. max calorie row
39 sec. rest
30 sec. max power clean (I did 85#)
Rest 3 min.
B. 10 min EMOM of the following:
Min 1: 2 Burpees
Min 2: 4 Burpees
Min 3: 6 Burpees
*Add 2 each minute until you can’t complete the total amount within the minute.

I think the burpee part of this workout was one you had to mentally commit to if you were going to complete all 20 burpees within the last minute, and I was definitely not committed. I went hard on the first portion of this workout and gave up on the burpees after minute 8. Still a great workout!

Friday: Iron Tribe
A. Front Squat: 5-4-3-2-1
I got a new Front Squat PR of 145#! Here’s the thing, I don’t really write down PRs or do a very good job tracking my progress on workouts (other than this blog). Maybe one day I will care more, but right now I have a pretty good idea of my limits and it works well for me.
Rest 1 min
B. For time (12 min. cap):
30 Double unders
15 Wall balls
15 Knees to elbows
30 Double Unders
15 Wall balls
15 Knees to elbows
30 Double unders
15 Wall balls
15 knees to elbows
30 Double unders

Saturday: Jogging at the park!
It was so nice out on Saturday afternoon, so we took it to our new favorite park to get our sweat on.

Sunday: REST!

What was the best workout of your week? Any book suggestions for me? Has anyone been to Antigua!?

The Best Homemade ‘Ritas + Weekly Workouts

I love weekends that involve zero traveling, zero plans, and lots of Netflix and strolls down the pier. I went to bed before 10 on both Friday and Saturday night and it was glorious.

We also had taco night on Saturday with homemade fresh margaritas! I had to share this recipe because it is my go-to simple and delicious margarita recipe. One of my best friends’ dad’s made us these margaritas a while back and it’s still the best ‘rita I’ve ever had. Of course, there is a lot of lemon squeezing involved, but trust me the labor is worth it. Oh yeah, and after all of that work I ended up dumping my entire marg right on my lap. Classic.

Into the Blender:
-Juice of 6 lemons
-1/2 cup sugar
-Fill the rest of blender with water
-Add 1 egg white for froth
Blend and pour mixture over glass with ice & tequila, and mix. I rimmed mine with salt and and a lime 🙂

I skipped last week’s workouts (oops) so let’s get a taste for what I did this week!

Monday – 3 mile Run + Core Circuit
I’m still using this piggy bank as my weight for all core movements. Whatever works!

Tuesday – Iron Tribe
8-6-4-2 Muscle-Ups
16-14-12-10 Pistols
Cash Out: 100 Double Unders
I definitely do not have muscle ups down yet, but I ended up doing a new-to-me scale for muscle ups using a band! You basically do a chest to bar pull up using a band and then push up to fully extend your arms at the end. I’m so happy I finally found out about this scale!

Then…I did a bonus workout with a friend for our Savage Race training/my own Operation Grow-a-Butt-by-my-wedding training. This was by far the hardest workout I did all week. But my butt was sore so the mission was accomplished.
Lunges with 35# Kettlebell held at chest
Russian Twists with 25# plate
Kettlebell Swings with 35# KB

Wednesday – Iron Tribe
Buy-In: 800m Run
4 Rounds of the following:
15 Deadlifts (I did 105#)
20 1-Arm Kettlebell Push Press (10 each arm)
Cash-Out: 800m Run

Thursday – Iron Tribe
A. 12 Min EMOM of the following:
Min 1-4: 6 front squats
Min 6-9: 4 front squats
Min 11-12: 2 front squats

Min 5 & 10 are rest to build weight. Weight had to be taken from the floor, so the debilitating factor was how much you could clean. I started at 85#, then went up to 105# and finally 115# and my quads were 100% done. I was so sore for the next 3 days.

B. For Time (10 Min Cap):
40 Wall Balls
40 Box Jumps
40 Knees to Elbows

You could partition the reps any way you wanted so I stuck with sets of 10 for all until I was done. The hardest part for me was the Knees to Elbows, as per usual.

Friday – REST.
I slept in. I ate sushi takeout. I watched Gone Girl (btw, that movie blew my mind). It was great.

Saturday – Iron Tribe
Our gym did a workout in remembrance of Phoebe, a 5-year-old girl who was tragically thrown off a bridge in St. Pete by her father. This has really effected our community and we had a huge turn out in support of Phoebe. It is so sad and terrible that things like this even happen, so I was glad we could come together and do something to remember this little girl.

Partner Workout
Buy-in: 150 Double Unders
62 Lunges
62 Wall Balls
62 Russian Twists with plate
62 Push Ups
62 Burpees

Sunday – Another park workout!

What was your favorite workout of the week? Do you ever make homemade ritas??

An Easy Week-Day Breakfast + Weekly Workouts

I love brunch (who doesn’t?) because it means slowly drinking your coffee and enjoying the best meal of the day without feeling rushed. Unfortunately, it’s usually limited to Saturdays and/or Sundays. During the week, I eat breakfasts that are fast and filling. They take little effort because effort usually means more dishes to clean, and I want nothing to do with that. Lately I’ve been loving these easy Banana Power Pancakes. Don’t fret, this is not your traditional pancake. It only has 3 ingredients and takes less than 5 minutes to make. AND it will actually keep you full until lunch!

Banana Power Pancakes
banana power pancakesIngredients:

1/3 cup oats
1 Egg, 1 Egg White
1 Banana, Mashed
Optional, depending on how rushed you are: 1 tsp vanilla, lots of cinnamon

1. Place greased skillet over medium heat
2. Whisk together Oats, Eggs, and Mashed Banana in a bowl, mix well
In my opinion, the easiest way to mash a banana is to pick a ripe one and mash it with the peel on, like so:
mashed nana 3. Pour batter into skillet to make 3-5 pancakes
4. Let sit for 2-3 minutes per side, and flip.
5. Top with your favorites and enjoy! I eat mine with almond butter and some maple syrup.

Weekly Workouts
With a combination of coming off the Christmas sugar-high AND a holiday right smack in the middle of the week, this week just felt weird. Back to normal this week….or are things ever “normal” when your wedding is just weeks away? Nevertheless, I worked out this week, so let’s analyze it:

Monday – Iron Tribe
21 Min. EMOM
1st Min: 6-10 Strict Pull Ups
2nd Min: 10 Front-Rack Lunges (5 each leg) – I used 75#
3rd Min: 30 Sit Ups

Tuesday – Iron Tribe + Lululemon Run Club

Iron Tribe:
3 rounds of the following:
75 Double Unders
30 Kettlebell 1-Arm Front Squats (35# – 15 each arm)
15 Ring Dips

I led the Lululemon run club at 6pm and it was so fun! This time we went for a 3 mile run through all the pretty Christmas lights that are still up. Christmas lights on palm trees should be a year-round thing. (yes, it is still very much tank top and shorts weather here).
run club

Wednesday – Iron Tribe
20 Clean & Jerks (I used 85#)
20 Burpees
20 Deadlifts (85#)
14 Clean & Jerks
14 Burpees
14 Deadlifts
-Rest 2 Min.-
20 Clean & Jerks
20 Burpees
20 Deadlifts
15 Clean & Jerks
15 Burpees
15 Deadlifts
clean and jerkAs you can see…this one SUCKED. I totally guessed on what weight to use, and turns out it was too heavy. I was only able to do about 2 at a time toward the end, which got me a big fat DNF on the workout. Not finishing, in my opinion, is the woooorst feeling. There was a 25 min. cap and I was on the last set of clean and jerks when they called time. I’ll be back for you, Resolution.

Thursday: Sprints & Abs at Marco Island Marriott Fitness Center
This was our spa day! We kicked off the new year with sprints (I followed the same format as last week) and an ab circuit:
3 rounds of:
20 V-ups
30 Russian Twists with Medicine Ball
40 Situps

Friday: Happy Hour Power Vinyasa Yoga at BalaVinyasa
I loved taking this 5:30 yoga class before a chill Friday night in complete with thai and sushi takeout. The only thing I didn’t love was that I forgot a towel, and this class is H-O-T.

Saturday: Iron Tribe
800m Run
60 Kettlebell Swings (35#)
40 Burpee Pull Ups (I scaled this to 10 Burpees, 10 Pull Ups at a time)
20 Handstand Pushups

What was your favorite workout of the week? What is your breakfast staple?

The Park Workout!

While we typically do the same workouts, Cameron and I don’t usually work out together at the same time. This is because I get mine done at 6:30am, which he has deemed insane. Yesterday presented the rare opportunity to workout together when I overslept and missed the 6:30 class, and he had a random Monday evening off. So, we went to the park and made up our own workout.

Our local park has a half mile loop (maybe a little less – I didn’t map it). So we ran around it 4 times, switching off each loop on who the “leader” of the workout was. The leader would randomly stop 3 times throughout the loop and bust out some lunges, push ups, etc. and the other person would follow. We had so much fun that we want it to be a weekly thing (date nights don’t have to cost a thang!)

IMG_0219(Remind me not to take pictures of myself after a workout.)

If you find yourself gym-less over the holiday, or just want a change of scenery, go to your local park and do this workout! Grab a friend, a husband or boyfriend and make it a date night, because that’s just adorable.

park workout

Video example of Back Leg Raises

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Cameron’s Favorite Cookies Ever + Weekly Workouts

Let’s talk cookies & workouts. Those two things go together, right?

Cameron has been raving about his mom’s peanut butter cookies ever since we first started dating in college, but I hadn’t tried them until last weekend. Well, he was right – they are the best peanut butter cookies I’ve ever had! I asked his mom for the recipe and she kindly shared it so do yourself a favor and make these. I’m giving some away as gifts for co-workers and Cameron is really mad about it.

The BEST Peanut Butter Cookies

2 Cups Bisquick
1 cup Peanut Butter
1 can condensed milk
1 tsp vanilla
Granulated sugar for rolling cookies in
Hershey kisses of your choice

preheat oven to 375.
Blend together pb and condensed milk, add in bisquick mix well, when almost blended add in vanilla.
Roll into approx. 1.5 inch balls and then roll in sugar.
If making blossoms: Place balls on cookie sheet about 2 inches apart and cook 7-10 min. Pull out of oven and press kiss into ball while hot. Let sit until cool. You can transfer to a wire rack after a few minutes of cooling if you need to alternate your cookie sheets.
If making pb cookies: make balls and roll in sugar as above. Once they are place on cookie sheet mash with fork once then turn fork 90 degrees and mash again (Makes cute grids).
Weekly Workouts
The workouts this week were TOUGH. I can’t remember the last time my whole body was this sore.
Monday: Rest
I flew home from Birmingham this day and was not feeling a workout. We did get to workout with Cameron’s mom and dad while we were in B-ham! Iron Tribe is headquartered there, so there are about 5 different locations and it’s so fun to visit. 
Tuesday: Iron Tribe
For Time:
30 Box jumps (20#)
30 Push press (I did 75#)
100m Farmer’s Carry (I did 35#)
25 Box jumps
25 Push press
100m Farmers carry
20 Box jumps
20 Push press
100m Farmers carry
Wednesday: Iron Tribe
20 min EMOM:
1st min: 100m Row then max reps of KB front rack lunge (I used 35#)
2nd min: 5 hang cleans (I used 90#)
I guess I always underestimate EMOMs because this was WAY harder than I expected. It rivaled the 12 days of Christmas WOD. It also initiated my soreness that continued through the rest of the week.
Thursday: Iron Tribe
7 Min AMRAP of:
7 Thrusters (I used 65#)
7 Knees to elbows
-Rest 2 min-
7 Min AMRAP of:
7 front squats (65#)
10 V-ups
-Rest 2 min-
7 Min AMRAP of:
7 Barbell push ups
10 Jumping squats

Friday: Iron Tribe
“12 Days of Christmas”
*Follow the same structure of the song..for example:
1 run
2 Deadlifts, 1 run
3 Burpees, 2 Deadlifts, 1 run etc.

For Time (30 min cap):
1 100m Run
2 Deadlifts (I did 135#)
3 Burpees
4 Box jumps (20#)
5 Push ups
6 Pull ups
7 Sit ups
8 KB goblet squats (35#)
9 KB swings (35#)
10 Wall balls (14# ball)
11 Double unders
12 Handstand push ups

I started way too hot out of the gate with this one. I was cruising along until we got to the wall balls. At that point, the person I was trying to stay in front of caught up to me and passed me, and then my motivation to go fast just went out the window. I ended up being in the middle of the last run when they called time for the 30 min cap. It was pretty heartbreaking, but I think I’ll get over it.

The rest of Friday was spent at the Iron Tribe Christmas party! We ate tacos, drank margaritas and danced to country music. It was fantastic.
IMG_0206Saturday & Sunday were deemed rest days because my body was done for. We did some Christmas shopping and hit up the beach. Winter in Naples is pretty awesome.
Tell me about your favorite workout this week! Have you made Christmas cookies this year? What’s your favorite kind?

Listen to Your Body…It’s Smarter Than You

I flew back from Birmingham yesterday and got to Naples around 3. I had a meeting at 4, so I brought my workout clothes with me thinking I would go to the 5:15 Iron Tribe class. The problem was, I was tired. I was grumpy. And I just didn’t feel 100%.

When this happens, I usually get two of my favorite workout mantras stuck in my head that totally conflict, and I wrestle with which one to listen to: “You’re only one workout away from a good mood” vs. “Listen to your body.”
oneworkoutawaylisten to your body
I used to always go with the first mantra and do the workout, even when my body was telling me no. I would pat myself on the back for powering through, even though I didn’t feel great. Pinterest tells us unless you puke, faint or die…keep going. But is that really the best approach?
I’ve slowly learned that it’s not always worth it. You don’t always leave a workout in a good mood, especially when you’re already exhausted. And forcing your body into something when it’s trying to tell you to slow down does not deserve a pat on the back.

Turns out taking a few days, a week, or two weeks off doesn’t turn you into a whale or make you lose all of your fitness. But I think a lot of us have a fear that it will — I know I used to. I truly enjoy working out – it’s one of the few times my brain shuts down and I’m completely in the moment (trust me, it’s impossible to analyze life or make to-do lists in your mind when you’re in the middle of a WOD). But I’ve finally learned that listening to my body is the best workout mantra there is.

What’s your approach when you don’t feel 100%? Do you listen or power through?

This Week’s Workouts + Gluten-free Banana Pancakes

Happy Monday!!! This weekend flew by but it was so fun to finally spend a weekend in Naples. When people tell me they live in Naples but don’t go to the beach, I get so confused. Why else would you live here!? I can’t get enough of this.

Here’s a look at this week’s workouts:

Monday  – Iron Tribe
A. 100 Double unders
40 Plate lunges (25#)
20 Kettlebell swings (I used 35#)
400m Run
20 KB swings
40 Plate lunges
100 Double unders
B. 3 rounds of:
50m Farmer’s walk each arm (I used 35#)
3×7 Second hanging L hold

I can officially do 30 double unders in a row! But once I get past that number they start getting reeeeally difficult to string together. Does anyone else catch yourself holding your breath during these? I’m guilty.

Tuesday: 5 mile Run

Wednesday: Iron Tribe
10 Min EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute) of:
3 Hang cleans + 3 Burpees (I worked up to 115#)
*Build weight through the course of 10 sets
Rest 1 Min.
B. 8 Min AMRAP of the following:
5 Hang cleans (I used 95#)
10 Hand release push ups

Usually when I see EMOMs like this I go into it thinking it will be a good strength workout without much cardio. Well this one was both and was WAY harder than I anticipated. Getting in 3 heavy hang cleans, 3 burpees, AND switching your weight out in one minute means there is literally zero rest.

Thursday: Iron Tribe
For time:
400m Run
20 Deadlifts (I used 105#)
10 Pistols
400m Run
15 Deadlifts
10 Pistols
400m Run
10 Deadlifts
10 Pistols

IMG_0065I talked about my love for pistol squats on Friday, but this WOD was a good balance of my strengths and weaknesses. Deadlifts being my weakness. I can clean more than I can deadlift….not normal.

Friday: Hot Power Yoga @ BV Yoga
How many times do you attend a random yoga class and think “I need to do this more” but then don’t go back for another two months? This is the vicious cycle yoga & I play with each other. I’m considering getting a yoga package because I’m sick of lying to myself. If you pay money…you will show up. It works, people.

Saturday: Iron Tribe
3 Rounds of the following:
200m Run
20 Russian kettlebell swings (I used 26# for all of the movements)
20 1-Arm KB thrusters (10 each arm)
100m KB carry
10 KB goblet squats
10 Strict pull-ups
*Must use same kettlebell weight for all movements.
IMG_0086 Becky joined me for this WOD and I was so happy to have her a workout buddy! This girl is running for two and is still REALLY fast! Don’t judge our sweatyness…it was very hot outside.

Sunday: Pancakes + Beach time
Ahhh…my two favorite things. We were having such a perfect beach day…and then Cameron got stung by a yellow jacket. His foot is super swollen, but it was still a really great day minus that incident. P.S. We found lots of coconuts!

Gluten-Free Banana Pancakes
I made these on Sunday morning (because Sundays don’t count unless you make pancakes) and deemed them share-worthy.
IMG_0096Served with bacon, because bacon makes everything even better.

*Makes about 10 pancakes

1.5 cups almond flour
3 eggs
1/4 cup cream cheese (yep…the ingredient that makes them super delish)
2 tbs. melted butter
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 banana chopped in very small pieces

1. Combine all ingredients and mix until mostly smooth.
2. Fold in banana pieces.
3. Heat pan over medium heat and coat with coconut oil/non-stick spray.
4. Pour batter onto pan. Cook each pancake about 2-3 minutes before flipping. Cook other side for about 1 minute.
5. Top pancakes with maple syrup, almond butter, fruit…whatever you like!


8 Real-Life Examples of How to Move More During the Work Day

I like to make new year’s resolutions randomly throughout the year instead of on January 1, and my latest resolution is to move more. Like many people out there, I have a desk job which requires me to sit the majority of the day. I regularly catch myself totally engrossed in my work and going 4 hours straight without standing up. Not good. I also workout in the morning, which causes me to think “I’m done for the day” and mentally gives me an out to keep sitting. The truth is, not moving enough throughout the day is a major problem. And while I’d love to get a treadmill desk or bust out a quick workout in the middle of the workday, that’s not really in the cards for me. So here’s some real-life examples of how I’m adding some movement into my 9-5:

-Every time I get up to use the bathroom, I do 5 air squats.
You can of course do this in your office rather than the bathroom, but if you’re like me and work in an open environment, use a stall and avoid awkwardness. It’s also a great way to wake yourself up if you’re hitting the wall around 3-o’clock.

-Setting a timer to get up once every hour.
I use the stopwatch on my iPhone and set it for one hour. If I haven’t gotten up once the hour mark hits, I make sure to get up and go to the water cooler or take a lap around the office.
IMG_0034Yes, that would be my fancy “feyonce” cup. And yes, my work has fruit-infused water and it. is. amazing.

-Changing my seating position.
The worst thing you can do is sit in the same position all day. So even changing how you’re sitting throughout the day can help!

-Taking the stairs.
We’ve all heard this one. I work on the third floor and even though it’s not that high up, it’s still tempting to take the elevator. And somehow three flights of stairs still leaves me out of breath and questioning my athleticism.

-Walking around during my lunch break.
I used to sit all through lunch, staring at my laptop or phone. Or worse, I’d work through lunch, not changing my scenery (or seating position) at all. Now I try to take a short walk around outside. Added bonus: I go back to work feeling refreshed and less stressed out.

-Park far away.
This is one that I haven’t actually been doing, but it’s a great idea. I think I first need to work on avoiding my fashionably late tendencies so that I’m not sprinting into work.

-Listen to a podcast.
Podcasts are my jam. My favorite way to unwind after work is to take Griz on a walk while listening to a podcast. Find a podcast you love and give it a try!

-Get a dog.
Ok, I realize this isn’t possible for everyone. But seriously, dogs make you more active. Whether or not Griz actually enjoys walking is still TBD, but regardless, I’m thankful for this dude for getting me off my butt and on the trail after work.

To Foam Roll or Not to Foam Roll + This Week’s Workouts

We had such a great Thanksgiving in Orlando. I’m fighting the post-holiday blues with Cyber Monday deals and reminders that Christmas is only 3 weekends away (holy cow, I have so much shopping to do). I’ve also been having major Naples beach withdrawals, so I’m looking forward to finally staying put and soaking it up this weekend! I get antsy if I haven’t been to the beach in over 2 weeks.

On our drive back home, we listened to my new favorite podcast, Girls Gone WOD. This episode featured Dina Kudlicki, a Certified Fascial Stretch Therapist and Functional Movement Professional and the information she shared about Functional Movement was full of “ah-ha!” moments for me. But one thing that blew my mind the most was what she had to say about foam rolling your IT Band. Most runners and crossfitters I know foam roll their IT band, as have I for the last few years, to help relieve knee pain. It hurts, as Joy would say, like a mo-fo. In fact, I am usually holding back tears, bad language and reminding myself to actually breathe the entire time. But Dina tells us that foam rolling your IT band can actually make it tighter. Why? Because your IT band is flat and wide rather than round, so when you put that much pressure against the flat-shaped fascia, it produces a collagen-matrix which strengthens tissue to deal with stress making your IT band even tighter. Dina recommends foam rolling your glutes, hips, quads, and hamstrings in order to loosen up your IT band. I deal with knee pain on the reg, so I’m going to test it out. Check out the full podcast for more info on that! A good reminder that science is always developing and changing.
foam roller

As for workouts this week….

Monday: Iron Tribe
Every 90 sec. for 12 sets:

Sets 1-4:
6 Front Squats ( I used 85#)
4 Strict Pull Ups

Sets 5-8:
5 Front Squats
5 Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups

Sets 8-12:
4 Front Squats
6 Pull Ups

This was the WOD that made me realize I’ve pretty much lost my pull ups. When I finally “get” a movement, I stop working on it and assume I will always have it. Unfortunately that’s not the case…you have to keep practicing them. Bike riding must be the only skill you only have to do once to get.

Tuesday: Kickboxing Class

Wednesday: Iron Tribe
2 rounds of:
400m Run
25 Overhead Squats (I used 65#)
20 Push Press (I used 65#)
400m Run
15 Box Jumps (20#)
10 lunges with barbell on back (65#)

I was nervous for this WOD all day and I didn’t even see that there were TWO rounds of it until we were heading out the door for our first run, so that was the worst surprise ever. One of my friends just started working out at an Iron Tribe in Atlanta (all locations do the same workout) and I loved getting this text from him:

It’s really fun to complain about WODs with people in other states 🙂
IMG_3790Sweaty post-WOD pHenOH7.4 recovery–full review on this alkaline drink coming soon!

Thursday: Orlando Turkey Trot 5k! 
Don’t let our smiles deceive you…this is the annual smack-talk race. It was a tough loss, but I’ll be back for you next year, Cameron!
IMG_3800IMG_3802Friday: REST and MORE PIE

Saturday: Crossfit Winter Park 
I returned to my old stopping grounds for a fun partner WOD! This one was actually easier than it looks (that never happens…) which was perfect for my pie-stuffed self.

4 rounds:
5 push ups
5 goblet squats (35# kettlebell)
5 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (35# kettlebell)
-90 Kettlebell Swings (between 3 partners)
4 rounds:
5 ball Slams (15#)
5 burpees
5 jumping lunges
-90 Kettlebell Swings (between 3 partners)
-200m Run Relay with 15# Ball (each partner runs this at a time)
90 (total between partners) ball slam sit ups
90 Wall Balls (15# slamball)
90 Overhead Lunges (15#)
*One person working, one person resting and one person in a plank at all times
-600 meter partner run w/ ball

Sunday Funday
Cameron put my mom, stepdad and I through a little run/obstacle course at a nearby trail. Trails are just the best.

Griz and I hope you have a wonderful Monday!