Tag Archives: foam rolling

To Foam Roll or Not to Foam Roll + This Week’s Workouts

We had such a great Thanksgiving in Orlando. I’m fighting the post-holiday blues with Cyber Monday deals and reminders that Christmas is only 3 weekends away (holy cow, I have so much shopping to do). I’ve also been having major Naples beach withdrawals, so I’m looking forward to finally staying put and soaking it up this weekend! I get antsy if I haven’t been to the beach in over 2 weeks.

On our drive back home, we listened to my new favorite podcast, Girls Gone WOD. This episode featured Dina Kudlicki, a Certified Fascial Stretch Therapist and Functional Movement Professional and the information she shared about Functional Movement was full of “ah-ha!” moments for me. But one thing that blew my mind the most was what she had to say about foam rolling your IT Band. Most runners and crossfitters I know foam roll their IT band, as have I for the last few years, to help relieve knee pain. It hurts, as Joy would say, like a mo-fo. In fact, I am usually holding back tears, bad language and reminding myself to actually breathe the entire time. But Dina tells us that foam rolling your IT band can actually make it tighter. Why? Because your IT band is flat and wide rather than round, so when you put that much pressure against the flat-shaped fascia, it produces a collagen-matrix which strengthens tissue to deal with stress making your IT band even tighter. Dina recommends foam rolling your glutes, hips, quads, and hamstrings in order to loosen up your IT band. I deal with knee pain on the reg, so I’m going to test it out. Check out the full podcast for more info on that! A good reminder that science is always developing and changing.
foam roller

As for workouts this week….

Monday: Iron Tribe
Every 90 sec. for 12 sets:

Sets 1-4:
6 Front Squats ( I used 85#)
4 Strict Pull Ups

Sets 5-8:
5 Front Squats
5 Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups

Sets 8-12:
4 Front Squats
6 Pull Ups

This was the WOD that made me realize I’ve pretty much lost my pull ups. When I finally “get” a movement, I stop working on it and assume I will always have it. Unfortunately that’s not the case…you have to keep practicing them. Bike riding must be the only skill you only have to do once to get.

Tuesday: Kickboxing Class

Wednesday: Iron Tribe
2 rounds of:
400m Run
25 Overhead Squats (I used 65#)
20 Push Press (I used 65#)
400m Run
15 Box Jumps (20#)
10 lunges with barbell on back (65#)

I was nervous for this WOD all day and I didn’t even see that there were TWO rounds of it until we were heading out the door for our first run, so that was the worst surprise ever. One of my friends just started working out at an Iron Tribe in Atlanta (all locations do the same workout) and I loved getting this text from him:

It’s really fun to complain about WODs with people in other states 🙂
IMG_3790Sweaty post-WOD pHenOH7.4 recovery–full review on this alkaline drink coming soon!

Thursday: Orlando Turkey Trot 5k! 
Don’t let our smiles deceive you…this is the annual smack-talk race. It was a tough loss, but I’ll be back for you next year, Cameron!
IMG_3800IMG_3802Friday: REST and MORE PIE

Saturday: Crossfit Winter Park 
I returned to my old stopping grounds for a fun partner WOD! This one was actually easier than it looks (that never happens…) which was perfect for my pie-stuffed self.

4 rounds:
5 push ups
5 goblet squats (35# kettlebell)
5 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (35# kettlebell)
-90 Kettlebell Swings (between 3 partners)
4 rounds:
5 ball Slams (15#)
5 burpees
5 jumping lunges
-90 Kettlebell Swings (between 3 partners)
-200m Run Relay with 15# Ball (each partner runs this at a time)
90 (total between partners) ball slam sit ups
90 Wall Balls (15# slamball)
90 Overhead Lunges (15#)
*One person working, one person resting and one person in a plank at all times
-600 meter partner run w/ ball

Sunday Funday
Cameron put my mom, stepdad and I through a little run/obstacle course at a nearby trail. Trails are just the best.

Griz and I hope you have a wonderful Monday!