Tag Archives: hot yoga

This Week’s Workouts + Gluten-free Banana Pancakes

Happy Monday!!! This weekend flew by but it was so fun to finally spend a weekend in Naples. When people tell me they live in Naples but don’t go to the beach, I get so confused. Why else would you live here!? I can’t get enough of this.

Here’s a look at this week’s workouts:

Monday  – Iron Tribe
A. 100 Double unders
40 Plate lunges (25#)
20 Kettlebell swings (I used 35#)
400m Run
20 KB swings
40 Plate lunges
100 Double unders
B. 3 rounds of:
50m Farmer’s walk each arm (I used 35#)
3×7 Second hanging L hold

I can officially do 30 double unders in a row! But once I get past that number they start getting reeeeally difficult to string together. Does anyone else catch yourself holding your breath during these? I’m guilty.

Tuesday: 5 mile Run

Wednesday: Iron Tribe
10 Min EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute) of:
3 Hang cleans + 3 Burpees (I worked up to 115#)
*Build weight through the course of 10 sets
Rest 1 Min.
B. 8 Min AMRAP of the following:
5 Hang cleans (I used 95#)
10 Hand release push ups

Usually when I see EMOMs like this I go into it thinking it will be a good strength workout without much cardio. Well this one was both and was WAY harder than I anticipated. Getting in 3 heavy hang cleans, 3 burpees, AND switching your weight out in one minute means there is literally zero rest.

Thursday: Iron Tribe
For time:
400m Run
20 Deadlifts (I used 105#)
10 Pistols
400m Run
15 Deadlifts
10 Pistols
400m Run
10 Deadlifts
10 Pistols

IMG_0065I talked about my love for pistol squats on Friday, but this WOD was a good balance of my strengths and weaknesses. Deadlifts being my weakness. I can clean more than I can deadlift….not normal.

Friday: Hot Power Yoga @ BV Yoga
How many times do you attend a random yoga class and think “I need to do this more” but then don’t go back for another two months? This is the vicious cycle yoga & I play with each other. I’m considering getting a yoga package because I’m sick of lying to myself. If you pay money…you will show up. It works, people.

Saturday: Iron Tribe
3 Rounds of the following:
200m Run
20 Russian kettlebell swings (I used 26# for all of the movements)
20 1-Arm KB thrusters (10 each arm)
100m KB carry
10 KB goblet squats
10 Strict pull-ups
*Must use same kettlebell weight for all movements.
IMG_0086 Becky joined me for this WOD and I was so happy to have her a workout buddy! This girl is running for two and is still REALLY fast! Don’t judge our sweatyness…it was very hot outside.

Sunday: Pancakes + Beach time
Ahhh…my two favorite things. We were having such a perfect beach day…and then Cameron got stung by a yellow jacket. His foot is super swollen, but it was still a really great day minus that incident. P.S. We found lots of coconuts!

Gluten-Free Banana Pancakes
I made these on Sunday morning (because Sundays don’t count unless you make pancakes) and deemed them share-worthy.
IMG_0096Served with bacon, because bacon makes everything even better.

*Makes about 10 pancakes

1.5 cups almond flour
3 eggs
1/4 cup cream cheese (yep…the ingredient that makes them super delish)
2 tbs. melted butter
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 banana chopped in very small pieces

1. Combine all ingredients and mix until mostly smooth.
2. Fold in banana pieces.
3. Heat pan over medium heat and coat with coconut oil/non-stick spray.
4. Pour batter onto pan. Cook each pancake about 2-3 minutes before flipping. Cook other side for about 1 minute.
5. Top pancakes with maple syrup, almond butter, fruit…whatever you like!