Tag Archives: knees to elbow

GRIZ IS BACK! + Weekly Workouts

You may have been wondering where the heck that dog has been that appears in some of the photos of this blog. Well, he was on a sabbatical in Birmingham, Alabama, livin’ it up with his grandparents, but HE’S BACK!!! (que the glamour shots from our engagement shoot…sorry but I love them.)

christa - cameron - 108christa - cameron - 065We went to Birmingham this weekend for our couple’s shower, and Griz flew back to Naples with us. I didn’t know what to expect since I’ve never flown with a dog before, but it was a piece of cake. He just sat by our feet in a carrier bag and didn’t make a peep! He wasn’t so sure about the airport though.

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Everyone assumes Griz is mine because he’s not your typical “guy” dog, but Cameron actually got him before we were even dating.  Apparently, real men love little dogs. Here’s the first time I ever met Griz my junior year of college — he was just a puppy! Sorry for the low quality pic, I blame the iPhone 2g I was probably using.
photo-12This weekend was a good one…filled with wedding excitement, awesome people, some relatives I hadn’t seen in a while, and lots of good eats, of course. I’ve had my fair share of cake, cornbread and wine this weekend, so instead of dreading Monday, I’m welcoming it and ready to get back on the health bandwagon. P.S. why is wedding (shower?) cake so darn delicious?
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I’m trying to get inspired to werk it this week, so here are last week’s workouts:

Monday: 5 Mile Run
These runs are slowly getting easier. I’ve been forcing myself to run slower than I ever thought possible for that first mile in order to get negative splits. I start running slow, and then challenge myself to run even slower. I’m essentially walking with a slight hop,  but my body loves to run really fast the first mile and then suffer through the next 4, so this is a work in progress.

Tuesday: Iron Tribe
16-14-12-10 Ring Rows + Ring Dips
16-14-12-10 Pistols
100 Double Unders (2:1 Singles)
Pistols are weirdly easy for me. I did 200 single unders though, because my double unders are inconsistent and 100 of them would make me super pissed off. Happiness and single unders for the win.

Wednesday: Iron Tribe
Buy in: 400m Overhead Medball Carry (14# ball)
10! (10, 9, 8,….rep scheme) of the following:
Push Press (I used 75#)
Knees to Elbows
Cash out: 400m Overhead Medball Carry (14# ball)

I did this workout extremely slow. In fact I think I was the slowest one. My shoulders were just over it by the time we were doing the cash out and they had no interest in carrying a medball overhead. So I stopped to rest, chat with people, and basically took my sweet time…and it was still hard!

Thursday: Iron Tribe
Every 90 seconds for 12 sets (18 min total)
6 Front Squats (I did 85#)
8 Box Jumps (20″)
itf wod

Friday: 5 mile run

Saturday: Rest Day

Sunday: Rest Day

Tell me about your weekly workouts — I need motivation!!