Tag Archives: bridal shower decor

My First Bridal Shower + Weekly Workouts

This weekend was really exciting because it was my first bridal shower! I wasn’t sure how the whole shower thing would go because I don’t love having all the attention on me (surprising, I know, since apparently I share my life to the whole internet). BUT it was so much fun to be surrounded by friends and family and of course, eat delicious foods. The shower was back home in Orlando, and I hadn’t seen my parents/friends in 2 months so I loved being surrounded by girlfriends and family. I’ve been making big efforts recently to make new friends in Naples, but it’s so nice to be surrounded by people who already know and accept my weird sense of humor/personality.
photo 2
My MOH/sister is an event planner, so she kind of rocks at the whole shower-throwing-thing. She just threw together these flowers herself and made that pumpkin-spiced naked cake that I’m obsessed with, NBD.
photo 5 (1)
shower4My favorite drink is a Moscow Mule so one of my friends got me tin cups and ginger beer!

As for workouts this week…do you ever have those weeks where your workouts completely exhaust you? That was last week for me. Looking back at my week of workouts, it’s not very surprising why. Going to Iron Tribe 4 days in a row is tough. I just thought every workout looked like torturous fun that I didn’t want to miss out on. I really need to tell them to make their programming less fun so I start getting more run days in for my quickly approaching race.

5 Kettlebell swings (35#)
10 Double unders
100m run
10 Kettlebell swings
20 Double unders
200m run
20 Kettlebell swings
40 Double unders (I started doing the scaled 3:1 singles at this point because double unders are my nemesis and for some reason I refuse to practice them)
400m run
40 Kettlebell swings
80 Double unders
800m run

Buy in: 1000m row
5 rounds of:
12 pull ups
6 power cleans (I did 85#)

10-8-6-4-2-4-6-8-10 of the following:
Overhead Squats (I did 65#)

Accessory Work:
3 rounds (not for time) of:
100m farmers cary (I used a 35# kettlebell)
30sec handstand hold

4 rounds of:
10 Deadlifts (I did 110#)
100m Run
10 Wall balls (14#)
100m Run
10 Knees to elbows
100m Run
10 Hand release push ups
100m Run

I’ve been going lighter with deadlifts because it’s the lift that I struggle with most. I don’t know why, but I can’t seem to get the form down just right. This is the workout that did me in and left me like this:
photo 3-8
Rest day because see above photo.

I didn’t use a GPS tracker to see how far I went, I just ran and enjoyed looking at my hometown. I think I covered somewhere between 4 – 5 miles.

This is my favorite spot in Winter Park — it’s a brick street and the houses have water in both their front and backyards. Fun fact: Carrot Top lives on this street and yes, his house is orange.
photo 1 (5)
I grabbed drinks with my dad & stepmom, and my dad really wanted to be on the blog and he also took his first selfie ever, so I think this is a pretty monumental moment. PS I took this with my dad’s iPhone6 and I don’t think Apple was thinking about selfie feasibility when making these new gigantic phones…how dare they.
Short walk with mom and went to my shower where I ate way too many of these: