Category Archives: Dinner

Is it Really Sunday if you Don’t Make Pancakes?

After traveling every weekend in July, it’s been so nice to have relaxing weekends with very few plans as summer winds down.

Friday night was a dinner and Froyo date! Coconut froyo with gummy bears and sprinkles for me. (Yes, I’m aware that I have the topping selections of a 5 year old.)

froyo - living unbalanced

Saturday I went to an awesome seminar at Iron Tribe on how to move naturally. This was full of great advice on how to improve things like coordination, balance and mobility — which effects everything from how we run to more complex lifts like snatches and cleans. First, we talked about shoes. Our coach said that while most people workout/run/do all exercises in running shoes with a thick cushiony sole, this is actually hindering our workouts and our running. These shoes inhibit foot flexibility and do not allow our feet to move as they were designed to move. He recommended transitioning from running shoes to a cross-training shoe, and eventually a minimalisitic shoe. Here are the recommended brands:


Aside from shoe talk, we also learned how to jump, crawl and move naturally, focusing on mobility, foot/ankle flexibility and landing lightly on our feet. Our coach also brought up a big misconception: squatting is bad for your knees. Squatting is actually good for your knees – it’s what our joints were meant to do! But the reason squatting can be painful is because we have sedentary lifestyles and are not practicing this movement on a regular basis, which makes our joints stiff and eventually begin to calcify. Our coach recommended sitting in a squat for 5 minutes a day. (Loading a bar with heavy weight is not what he was referring to when he said “squats” — air squats!) We also did all of this barefoot! It was a great seminar and a lot of fun.

Iron Tribe - Living Unbalanced

The rest of Saturday looked like this:

beach selfie - living unbalanced
photo 3 Poppin’ cider bottles on the beach 🙂

 Sunday was a pancakes, church and chill all day on the couch kind of day. Aren’t Sundays the greatest?

sunday pancakes - living unbalancedIs it really Sunday if you don’t make pancakes?

Dinner was slow cooker BBQ pulled pork (heaven), lemon garlic butter broccolini, and a brown rice/quinoa mix. For the pulled pork, it was as easy as covering a pork tenderloin in beef broth, cooked on low for 8 hours, shredded the meat with 2 forks, dumped a bunch of Steve’s paleo peach BBQ sauce on it – and boom – deliciousness. The slow cooker makes everything taste better.

Sunday dinner - living unbalanced

Anyone else tried minimalistic shoes? How has it effected your workouts?