Daily Archives: February 16, 2015

Weekend Happiness

Things bringing me happiness this weekend:

1. Farmer’s market finds
We stopped by the farmer’s market on Saturday and not only did I find my new favorite lunch spot in Naples — a food truck called Organically Twisted (look at that deliciousness) — but I also found this adorable succulent. I can’t help but buy every succulent I see.
farmers market 22. Sunshine & Trails.trails3. Saying “husband.”
Yep, I’m still in that newlywed-bliss phase where the word “husband” is really fun to say. I wanted to buy Cameron a Valentine from the husband section, but of course none of them were even slightly funny. So instead I went over to the romance section and found the perfect hilariously-inappropriate card. Baby steps.
husband4. A Kick Ass Valentine’s Day Workout.
Seriously…this workout kicked my butt in the best way possible. Try this with your husband/boyfriend/boy-toy/best friend:
Couple’s Workout:
Buy-in: 100 Wall Balls (switch every 25) and 1000m Row (switch every 250m)
One person works at a time, dividing these reps evenly however you choose:
100 total hang cleans (I did 85#, Cameron did 135#)
100 total box jumps
100 total push ups
Cash-out: 400m farmers carry (53# kettlebell) (Each person holding handle of KB)
Sounds adorable, right?

5. A Winning Wedding Present.
A bow might be a strange wedding present, but it was a huge hit.
husband present6. Sunday Vibes.
Nothing better.
sunday vibes

What made your weekend happy?